Fair Pricing Policy
At Rectory House we think it is very important to be as fair and transparent in our pricing strategy. We want the fees that we charge you as a patient to not only be of great value to you but also to reflect a fair investment for our skills and experience, provision of care without compromising the quality of the technology and materials we use, our duty to the environment and the respect we have for our staff and suppliers.
We will
Display a fee guide on the web site, and make sure it is available on reception.
Discuss with you the treatment we are proposing, why we think it is necessary and the relevant fees. We will provide appropriate information leaflets about your treatment as necessary.
Provide a treatment plan which includes estimated costs before treatment starts and advise you when your fees will be due. In most cases this will be at the end of each appointment.
Provide a new treatment plan with updated fees if the treatment needs to change for any reason.
How can I save money on my dental treatment?
Sign up to our dental plans! We think these offer great value for patients as the base cost of it is slightly lower than you would pay normally for your routine appointments, but you also get some money off certain treatment costs.
All our treatment is aimed at getting you dentally fit and to help significantly reduce your treatment needs in the future.
Fee Rises
We review our fees every year and after careful consideration of our current costs and the current market conditions we will decide whether to increase some or all our fees. We will have details of the new prices on the website. If the payment plan fees have risen, we will inform you directly.
If we raise our fees and you have a signed treatment plan that is less than 90 days old, the prices on it will be valid for 3 months from the date of the rise. Treatment plans that are older than 90 days will be subject to the new fees.
But why do you have to raise your fees?
When adjusting our fees we take in into consideration our costs including wages, material and laboratory costs and the market conditions.
We want you to have confidence in our team and the best possible service and treatment. To do this we need the best people working for us. We think it’s only right to pay them a fair wage.
The cost for materials and laboratories varies hugely. We could reduce our fees by using cheaper materials that don’t have biocompatible properties, or find a cheaper laboratory, but we have found over the years that this is often a false economy. In the world of dental materials and laboratories it is almost universally true that you get what you pay for, if we used a cheaper filling material it will not look as nice or last as long and may have undesirable ingredients. Use a cheaper laboratory and the crown may not fit as well, look as natural or be as strong – ultimately meaning that you will probably end up paying more.
Dental material costs also change based on the world market. Most of the items we use are manufactured in Europe, and any changes to the relationship between Britain and its trading partners will cause costs to fluctuate.
We consider all these factors when deciding if we should raise our fees.
What exactly does Fair pricing mean?
At Rectory House we are confident in the outright value of our services and uphold certain core principles…
We feel it is an absolutely necessity to minimise our impact on the environment
We want to make use of the fantastic local talent we have in Surrey
We prefer to work with our local craftsmen, tradespeople and technicians who are able to provide a personal and customised service.
We want to build a relationship with our suppliers
We believe in going locally and building relationships with our suppliers who are owner managed or small family run businesses.
Why our prices say 'from...', and our treatment plans are 'estimates'
It’s hard to be completely accurate on our fee guide, for example for a filling on our guide it says “From”. This price range reflects the position of the tooth, the size of the restoration, its accessibility and material of choice for each filling and the time taken for the treatment.
Sometimes it is also the case that other oral health factors or associated problems may need to be considered and treated prior to the placement of a filling; a good example is gum disease. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that gum disease has a considerable effect on your overall health, and we would choose to deal with it first before placing a filling. As we won’t know the details until we see you it is necessary to inform you of a price range.
Why our prices may be more expensive than another practice
We regularly check the prices of other practices in Guildford to ensure that we are competitive. However, "if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is" is as true in dentistry as in general life.
Here are some things to check:
Make sure that you are not getting 'partial pricing'. For example, if you see a low price for an implant make sure it is for the implant, and the crown.
As discussed above, the cost of materials varies considerably, and this will be the most difficult thing for you to assess, but this could be another reason why prices vary.
At Rectory House we only work with dentists, hygienists, therapists, nurses and supporting team who have excellent clinical skills, high ethical and environmental standards and a strong commitment to continuing growth and development.
I hope that this fair pricing leaflet has answered any questions you may have. If you haven’t found what you are looking for here, feel free to drop us a line and ask your question over pricing, or indeed anything else.
We take our pricing strategy very seriously and believe that your care at Rectory House is a very good investment in your dental health and wellbeing.
The team at Rectory House Dental Practice